October 2020
October 6th : Worldwide Online Event, World Mental Health Day Sponsored by Monash University, Melbourne Australia.
“Rising from Rejection: How Educators Can Build School Belonging in Students”
February 2019
February 26th Zionsville, Indiana. Zionsville Community Schools present Reject documentary community screening with Purdue University Distinguished Professor of Psychology Kipling Williams, guest speaker.
March 2019
March 7th Fayetteville, Arkansas. The University of Arkansas, Arkansas Union Theater 6pm-8pm screening with featured guests and panel discussion. With Amanda W. Harrist Distinguished Professor of Human Development Oklahoma State University, guest speaker. Sponsored by School of Human Environmental Sciences.
June 2019
June 3rd Tulsa, Oklahoma. The 6th annual “Fit 2 Learn” Summit Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences. This FREE event, organized by “Tulsa Healthy Living Program”, is for classroom and physical education teachers, child nutrition personnel, child health advocates, and anyone interested in creating healthier school environments.
June 13th Seymour, Indiana. A screening of the film “REJECT” is scheduled for 6 to 9 p.m. June 13 at the Jackson County Learning Center, 323 Dupont Drive, Seymour. Community partners include the Jackson County Health Department, Centerstone, Mental Health America of Jackson County and Seymour Community Schools. To register, email marsh119@purdue.edu or call 812-358-6101 by June 7.
January 2018
January 24th Harrison County, Indiana. Purdue University Harrison County hosts REJECT documentary community screening and discussion. Purdue University Distinguished Professor of Psychology guest speaker.
March 2018
March 3rd REJECT experts Terry Varnell and Amanda Harrist present on the inclusive early childhood classroom at the annual New Jersey state Montessori Conference.
April 2018
April 30th Kittery Maine. Kittery Youth Committee screenings REJECT. 6-7:30PM at Kittery Community Center. 120 Rogers Road Kittery, Maine.
January 23rd Tomah School District Screening for all Professional Staff at HoChunk Cinema, Private Showing.
February 7th Ithaca, New York. “How Can We Make Our Schools More Inclusive?” Family and Children’s Service of Ithaca, Tompkins County Public Library, BOCES and Ithaca School District sponsor REJECT screening and workshop professional event from 8:30AM-4PM. 6CEU credits. Register through mylearningplan.com or call Linda Bryan at 607-273-7494.

MARCH 2017
March 15th Brighton, England. University of Brighton, School of Applied Sciences.
APRIL 2017
April 3rd Ithaca, New York. “How Can We Make Our Schools More Inclusive?” TST BOCES presents this professional workshop “back by demand” event led by Ithaca City School District social worker Celia Clement from 8:30AM-4PM.
April 4th Brevard, North Carolina. Brevard College and Davison River High School co-host a free community screening of REJECT documentary with panel discussion at Dunham auditorium on Brevard College campus at 6:00PM. Special thanks to the students of Davidson River High and the Transylvania County Schools Educational Foundation. NEWS COVERAGE
MAY 2017
May 19th Cleveland, Ohio. Rejection, Ostracism, and Social Exclusion: Causes and Consequences at MetroHealth Medical Center. Two-day conference May 18-19, registration required. Conference recommended for social workers, nurses, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, counselors, funeral directors, clergy, physicians and teachers.
JUNE 2017
June 6th Tulsa, Oklahoma. The 4th annual “Fit 2 Learn” Summit Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences. This FREE event, organized by “Tulsa Healthy Living Program”, is for classroom and physical education teachers, child nutrition personnel, child health advocates, and anyone interested in creating healthier school environments. Registration required.
June 13th Indianapolis, Indiana. “Dealing with Rejection and Ostracism” REJECT documentary screening and panel discussion with co-hosts non-profit Child Care Answers and Purdue University Extension Bartholomew County Health and Human Sciences. This is a FREE event! Registration required HERE.
December 6th Whitefish, Wisconsin. REJECT documentary screening with co-hosts www.redgen.org and Dominican High School. Â Discussion will be led by panel of local mental health experts. 7PM-9PM
January 21st Milwaukee, Wisconsin 95th Wisconsin State Education Convention for Superintendents and School Leadership. Registration information 2016 Joint State Education Convention. Film Screening: Session 8:45AM-10:30AM. Follow Up Session 10:45AM: Social Ostracism with Dr. Kip Williams, Professor of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University. This event made possible with with the support of Performance Services Inc.

MARCH 2016
March 21st Angola, Indiana. Steuben Community Center, Dale Hughes Auditorium 6:00-8:30. Panel discussion to follow. Sponsored by Purdue University Extension, Steuben County. NEWS COVERAGE from KPCNews.com
March 30th Beverly Hills, Michigan. The Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills School Districts will co-host a community screening of REJECT at Groves High School, Groves Auditorium. 20500 West 13 Mile Road. 6:30 PM. Panel Discussion to Follow. NEWS COVERAGE from Hometownlife.com, part of the USA Today Network
APRIL 2016
April 17th New York, New York. St. Barts Church, Park Avenue. Episcopal Peace Fellowship. Free event, please register at Eventbrite http://bit.ly/2cZl6eK
MAY 2016
May 5th Ithaca, New York. 120 East Green street. 6:45 PM screening (doors open at 6:30) followed by panel discussion. Sponsored by Family and Children’s Service of Ithaca for National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day. Tickets and info here: Cinemapolis Theater
May 7th Ithaca, New York. 120 East Green Street 4:30 PM encore screening. Sponsored by Family and Children’s Service of Ithaca. Tickets and info here: Cinemapolis Theater

JUNE 2016
Week of June 6th Ithaca, New York. Private Screening Series, Ithaca High School.
August 24th Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences. Co-hosted by the Medical School and OSU Center for Family Resilience.
August 30th La Crosse, Wisconsin. Rebuilding for Learning Summit VI “Continuing Our Journey as a Compassionate and Responsive Community.” Director and ostracism/social rejection expert Kipling D. Williams presenting. An event co-sponsored by community, civic and and educational organizations including La Crosse Schools, Gunderson Health, and the La Crosse Education Foundation.
September 8th Jefferson City, Tennessee: Carson-Newman University. Great Idea Lecture: Justice. Amanda W. Harrist discusses her research on children and social exclusion + REJECT screening.
September 20th Columbus (Indianapolis area), Indiana. Indiana Youth Institute and community partners co-host free REJECT screening, lunch and discussion at YES Cinema and Conference Center, part of the Institute’s “Youth Worker Cafe” series.” NEWS COVERAGE
October 20th Angola, Indiana. Youth Worker Cafe and Purdue University Extension Steuben County host a free REJECT screening with panel discussion from 5:30PM-7:30PM. Cahoots Coffee Cafe, 218 Maumee Street. NEWS COVERAGE
November 3 La Crosse, Wisconsin. Free Professional 1-5PM Workshop for Educators, Counselors, and other Youth Workers. Presented by Gundersen Medical Foundation, Coulee Region Compassion Alliance/Together Against Bulling 2016, Gundersen Department of Pediatrics and Behavioral Health. Space is limited. RSVP to kmedward@gundersenhealth.org by October 25th.
November 3 La Crosse, Wisconsin. Weber Center for the Performing Arts, 428 Front Street. Screening 6:30-8:00. Presentation with ostracism expert Kipling Williams 8:00-8:30. Free and Open to the Public. Co-hosts: Coulee Region Compassion Alliance/Together Against Bulling 2016, Gundersen Medical Foundation, Gundersen Department of Pediatrics and Behavioral Health. NEWS COVERAGE
November 3 Arlington, Texas. University of Texas. Department of Psychology, Private viewing.
November 18 York, Maine. York Public Library Community Room. 6:30-8:00PM REJECT screening, discussion 8:00-9:00PM. Free and Open to the Public. Host: Connecting the Pieces:Together We Can! Panel guests include: pediatric neurologist Dr. Margaret Bauman, neuro-psychologist Dr. Laura Slap-Shelton, child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Joshua Gear, developmental pediatrician Dr. Carol Hubbard, social worker and founder of International Bullying Prevention Association Stan Davis and school resource officers, Jamie Rooney and Nick Piskopanis.

With Director and ostracism expert Dr. Kipling Williams.
Click here to register.

February 5, 2015 — The School of Human Ecology Center for Children and Families presents the Annual Bruce Everist Lecture Series, Louisiana Tech University. Raising Public Consciousness about Social Rejection in its Many Forms. A screening of REJECT: A documentary film and panel discussion. 6pm-8pm Lincoln Parish Library Events Center Ruston, LA

February 17, 2015 — Mary McDowell Friends School, Brooklyn, New York. Private screening, professional development.

MARCH 2015
March 4, 2015 — DeKalb County, Indiana. DeKalb Central Schools. DeKalb High School. Special guest, Dr. Kipling Williams, Purdue University.

March 24, 2015 ”Wayland, Massachusetts Wayland Schools Administrative Council. (Private)
APRIL 2015
April 28, 2015 Natchitoches, Louisiana Northwestern State University at the Gallaspy College of Education and Human Development
MAY 2015
August 4, 2015 Coushatta, Louisiana. Red River Parish School District (All Staff)
August 11, 2015 Natchitoches, Louisiana The Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts (All Staff)
August 18, 2015 Crown Point, Indiana  Crown Point High School, Indiana (All Staff)
August 18, 2015 Bartholomew County, Indiana Reject screens as part of “All In: Building A Positive Community” sponsored by Purdue University Extension. Southside Elementary School Auditorium, 1320 W. 200 S., Columbus, IN. Doors Open at 6pm.
August 25, 2015 Lake County, Indiana Reject screens as part of “All In: Building A Positive Community” sponsored by Purdue University Extension. Merrillville High School, 276 E 68th Place, Merrillville, IN, 6:30pm CST. NEWS COVERAGE
August 27, 2015 Dearborn County, Indiana Reject screens as part of “All In: Building A Positive Community” sponsored by Purdue University Extension. East Central High School Performing Arts Center, St. Leon Indiana. Registration begins at 6:00 pm.
August 29, 2015 Birmingham, Michigan The Roeper School (Internal for Faculty/Staff )
September 2, 2015 New York, New York Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church Day School (For Staff, Internal)
September 18, 2015 Birmingham Michigan The Roeper School, 1051 Oakland Avenue.
Community screening, all are welcome. Film begins at 6:30pm sharp with post screening panel discussion featuring Reject Producer Peter Brauer, and NoBLE Anti-bullying expert Marlene Seltzer.
September 22, 2015 Putnam County, Indiana Reject screens as part of “All In: Building A Positive Community” sponsored by Purdue University Extension.
September 23, 2015 Attica High School, Attica Indiana. 3:15 pm With Ostracism expert Kipling Williams. FOR STAFF and FACULTY
September 30, 2015 Attica Indiana at The Devon Theater. Two showings: 4-6pm and 7-9pm Community screening, all are welcome! Q& A Session featuring Attica Elementary teachers Patricia Hargan and Megan Reynolds.
October 1, 2015 Attica High School, Attica Indiana. Screening for 7th-12th grade students.
October 20th South Bend (Mishawaka), Indiana. EraseMeanness.org sponsors community screening. Please RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/community-screening-of-reject-tickets-18707749382
NEWS COVERAGE from Fox 28. com
NEWS COVERAGE from SouthBend Tribune
October 26-29 Columbia, Missouri Six community screenings and presentations in partnership with University of Missouri Extension and Central Missouri Community Action. Director Ruth Thomas-Suh and ostracism expert Kipling Williams in attendance.
10/27 The Columbia Public Library 10/27 The Loft @ Woodcrest 10/27 Centralia School 10/28 University of Missouri Stotler Lounge 10/28 Hickman High School 10/29 The Food Bank of Central and NE Missouri
NEWS COVERAGE from The Columbian Missourian Newspaper on www.columbiamissourian.com
November 9 Bloomington-Normal, Illinois Illinois State University. 5:30 pm at the Normal Theater in uptown Normal. Director, ostracism expert Kipling Williams, and Illinois State University psychology staff members Leandra Parris and Eros DeSouza. FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
NEWS COVERAGE from Illinois State University
MARCH 2014
APRIL 2014
MAY 2014
JUNE 2014
JULY 2014





APRIL 2013
MAY 2013
JUNE 2013
NEWS COVERAGE radio interview with local NPR station WGLT show “Sound Ideas”